BoomerBond Safety Guidelines: Nurturing Safe Connections

The excitement of meeting new people and building connections can be thrilling, yet it's essential to prioritize safety, whether you're initially exchanging messages or deciding to meet in person. While you can't control the actions of others, there are measures you can adopt to ensure your BoomerBond experience remains secure and enjoyable.

Online Safety

Financial Security: Say No to Monetary Requests


Never send money, particularly through wire transfer, regardless of the circumstances presented. It's crucial to understand that wire transfers are like sending cash; reversing the transaction is near impossible, and tracing the money is a complex process. Never share information that could potentially provide access to your financial accounts. If another user requests money, we encourage you to report it to us immediately.

You can find further tips on avoiding romance scams on the U.S Federal Trade Commission's website.


Guard Your Personal Details


Refrain from sharing personal information, such as your social security number, home or work address, or aspects of your daily routine with people you've just met. If you have children, be mindful of the information you share about them, avoiding specifics such as names, schools, and their ages or genders.


Stay Within BoomerBond


Keep your conversations within the BoomerBond platform while getting to know someone. This practice ensures that exchanges are subject to our Safe Message Filters. Users with malicious intentions often attempt to shift the conversation to text, messaging apps, email, or phone immediately.


Long Distance and Overseas Relationships: Proceed with Caution


Be vigilant with individuals claiming to be from your country but currently located elsewhere, particularly if they request financial assistance. Be cautious with anyone unwilling to meet in person or engage in a phone/video call—they might not be who they claim to be. If someone is evading your questions or pushing for a serious relationship without taking time to get to know you — consider it a red flag.


Reporting Suspicious and Offensive Behavior


We rely on you to report any violations of our terms. This could include requests for money or donations, underage users, harassment, threats, offensive messages, inappropriate or harmful behaviour during or after meeting in person, fraudulent profiles, spam or solicitation, among others. You can report any concerns from any profile page or messaging window.


Secure Your Account


Ensure your password is strong and exercise caution when logging into your account from a public or shared computer. BoomerBond will never send you an email asking for your username and password information. If you receive such an email, report it to us immediately.

Meeting in Person

Take Your Time


There's no rush when it comes to meeting in person. Take your time getting to know the other person and don't hesitate to screen for any red flags or dealbreakers. A phone or video call can be a helpful pre-meeting screening tool.


Public Meeting Points


For initial meetings, choose a populated, public location. Avoid private settings like your home, your date's home, or any other secluded spot. If your date pressures you to go to a secluded location, feel free to end the date.


Share Your Plans


Let a friend or family member know about your plans, including the when and where. Ensure your cell phone is fully charged and with you at all times.


Maintain Control of Your Transportation


We encourage you to be in control of your transportation to and from your date. This way, you can leave at your own convenience. If you're driving, it's good to have a backup plan such as a ride-share app or a friend who can pick you up.


Know Your Limits


Be aware of how drugs or alcohol affect you—they can impair your judgment and alertness. If your date tries to pressure you to use drugs or if you feel uncomfortable in any way, say no, and don’t hesitate to end the date.  If you feel overwhelmed, ask your bartender or server for help.   

the date.


Keep Personal Items in Sight


Ensure you know where your drink is coming from and keep track of it at all times. Accept drinks only poured or served directly from the bartender or server. It's also important to keep your phone, purse, wallet, and anything containing personal information close to you at all times.


Trust Your Gut Feeling


If at any point during the date you feel uneasy, it's completely fine to end the date early. In fact, we encourage you to trust your instincts. If you feel unsafe or something seems off, don't hesitate to ask for help from the bartender or server.

LGBTQ+ Travel

Travel Safely

We believe in the importance of inclusivity of all gender identities and sexual orientations. However, we acknowledge that potential risks exist everywhere, and some countries have laws specifically targeting LGBTQ+ individuals.

When traveling to a new location, it's essential to understand the local laws regarding sexual orientation and the legal protections available to you. If you find yourself in potentially unsafe territory, we recommend disabling the "Show me on BoomerBond" option found under the settings page.

If you've added your sexual orientation to your profile and choose to be shown on BoomerBond, we will hide your sexual orientation from your profile until you leave that area.

Exercise extra caution when connecting with new people in these countries, as some law enforcement agencies have been known to use dating apps for potential entrapment. Some countries have even introduced laws that criminalize communications on same-sex dating applications or websites, with heavier penalties if such communication leads to sexual encounters.

Check out ILGA World for the most recent sexual orientation laws by country, and consider supporting their research.

Sexual Health & Consent

Stay Protected


Correct and consistent use of condoms can significantly reduce the risk of contracting and transmitting STIs, including HIV. However, be aware of STIs such as herpes or HPV, which can be transmitted through skin-to-skin contact. Vaccination can help reduce the risk of certain STIs.


Know Your Health Status


Many STIs do not show symptoms, and it's essential to stay informed about your health status. Prevent the spread of STIs by getting tested regularly.


Have The Talk


Before becoming physically intimate with a partner, discuss sexual health and STI testing. In some places, it's a legal requirement to disclose an STI. Need help starting the conversation? We've got some tips for you.


Consent is Key


All sexual activity must begin with consent and include ongoing check-ins with your partner. Verbal communication helps ensure respect for each other's boundaries. Consent can be withdrawn at any time, and sex is never a right. If your partner seems uncomfortable or unsure, or if they're unable to give consent due to the effects of drugs or alcohol, do not proceed.


Resources for Help, Support, or Advice


Keep in mind that no risk reduction method is perfect. If you have a negative experience, understand that it is not your fault, and help is available. Report any incidents to BoomerBond, and consider reaching out to one of the resources below. If you feel you are in immediate danger or need emergency assistance, call 911 (U.S. or Canada) or your local law enforcement.